By the time they got to the ER his breathing had returned to as normal as the pleurisy would allow and the pain had lessened. He refused to go in. He’s taller and heavier than ds, so ds couldn’t force him to. Ds called me and dh and I had “words”. He still refused to go in, insisted it was just a spell and told ds to bring him home. I told ds that he could head for home with him BUT if there was one wince of pain to turn around and get male nurses to bully dh into er. They came all the way home and dh took his pain pill that he was a little past due to take. He’s sitting on the sofa now, breathing ok, but still in pain from the pleurisy.
We’ve told him one sign of another spell we are taking him to the hospital in the closest town—this is a MAJOR threat, I wouldn’t even take my animals there—long story. He’s also been royally chewed out both by ds and me for being stubborn.
Thanks everyone for the prayers, I completely believe that is what returned his breathing to normal and lessened the pain.